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BSTC 2018 Third Counselling

BSTC 2018 Third Counselling Released – Fill colleges for BSTC 3rd Counselling 2018BSTC 2018 Third Counselling

GGTU, Banasawara has released BSTC 2018 Third Counselling, BSTC 3rd Counselling 2018 for the Exam of BSTC 2018. Fill your colleges from 15.08.2018 to 17.08.2018. Many candidates was waiting for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling and BSTC 3rd Counselling, now Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara has recently announced for BSTC Third Counselling 2018. Those candidates who was not allotted any colleges in BSTC First and Second Counselling 2018, may can filled for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling from the college in the BSTC Counselling portal.

Latest News: GGTU Bansawara has released schedule for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling, Applicants may apply for fresh college for BSTC Third Counselling 2018.

गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय विश्वविध्यालय, बाँसवाडा राज. ने जारी किया बी.एस.टी.सी. 2018 तृतीय काउंसलिंग के लिए कार्यक्रम!

जिन अभ्यर्थियों को प्रथम और द्वितीय काउंसलिंग में कॉलेज प्राप्त नहीं हो पायी थी उन अभ्यर्थियों के लिए गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय विश्वविध्यालय तृतीय और अंतिम अवसर प्रदान किया है| प्रवेश से वंचित रहे अभ्यर्थी अब रिक्त और शेष रही कॉलेज (सीट) का चुनाव अब 17 अगस्त 2018 तक कर सकते हैं| हालाँकि वर्तमान स्थिति को देखते हुए इस प्रक्रिया का ज्यादा लाभ मिलना मुस्किल लग रहा है| क्योंकि प्रथम और द्वितीय काउंसलिंग में ही ज्यादातर सीटों पर प्रवेश हो चुका है और अब तृतीय काउंसलिंग बहुत ज्यादा प्रतिस्पर्दा होने की उम्मीद है| अब अभ्यर्थियों के लिए केवल उन्ही कॉलेज का विकल्प शेष रहेगा जिस कॉलेज में कोई रिक्त सीट खाली है| परन्तु तीसरी काउंसलिंग का बहुत अधिक फायदा उन अभ्यर्थियों को होता दिख रहा है जिनके मार्क्स दूसरी काउंसलिंग में थोड़े बहुत ही कम रहे थे| निचे दिए गये लिंक से तृतीय काउंसलिंग के लिए आवेदन करें:

Brief Description of BSTC Exam 2018

Examination Name: BSTC General  & Sanskrit Exam 2018  (Admission to Pre. B.S.T.C. (D.El.Ed.) Examination – 2018)

Exam University: Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara

Official Website: bstcggtu2018. com

Qualification for BSTC 2018: Senior Secondary (10+2) with 50 % marks (45% for BC/SC/ST/PWD)

Age Limits for BSTC 2018: Maximum 28 years

Opening Date for Online Application: 12.02.2018

Closing Date for Apply Online: 31.03.2018

Exam Date or BSTC 2018: 06.05.2018

First Counselling Schedule: 13.06.2018 to 21.06.2018

Allotment for First Round: 23.06.2018

Second Counselling Schedule: 02.08.2018 to 05.08.2018

Allotment for Second Round: 07.08.2018

BSTC 3rd Counselling 2018

BSTC Third Counselling Schedule

Choice Filling (Fresh Colleges): 15.08.2018 to 17.08.2018

College Allotment: 18.08.2018

Deposit Allotment Fee: 18.08.2018 to 21.08.2018

Reporting after Third Allotment: 18.08.2018 to 22.08.2018

How to Fill College for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling

Visit on given below link or visit GGTU official portal: bstcggtu2018.com (bstc ggtu)

Click on Fill Colleges for BSTC 2018 3rd Counselling.

Enter your Login details and password. If you lost your password, follow forget password link received your password on your register mobile number and login again.

Fill your college list as given district wise or your nearby college.

After filling colleges in BSTC 2018 Third Counselling must be save.

The GGTU will automaticaly locked your filled colleges at the time of closing date.

Now you can eligible for BSTC Third Allotment 2018.

If you have allotted a college you need to  pay your admission fee on any ICICI Bank using challan or pay online visiting by Emitra or Net Banking/Debit or Credit Card.

Important Links for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling

Download Third Counselling Allotment: Click Here

Apply Online for BSTC Third Counselling 2018: Click Here

Read GGTU Notice for BSTC 3rd Counselling 2018: Click Here

BSTC 2018 Official Website: Click Here

Read BSTC 2018 Article: Click Here

Important Instruction for BSTC 2018 Third Counselling

Candidates need to fill fresh college in BSTC Third Counselling 2018. Before filled colleges nor accepted. After first and second round the remaining seats are available to filled for Third Counselling.

After college allotment, applicants must be pay admission fee in time frame. If the payment will not done candidates will not eligible to admission to BSTC Admission 2018.

If you have successfully submitted the remaining admission fee you are required to report in allotted college before due date along with required documents.

Applicants kindly follow BSTC GGTU Official portal time to time for any latest updated: bstcggtu2018.com

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