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Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Admit Card 2018

Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Admit Card 2018 Declared:

Rajya Sabha Secretariat has released Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Admit Card 2018, Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Pre Exam Admit Card 2018 for the recruitment of Security Assistant (Grade-II) Exam 2018. Applicants may download Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Admit Card 2018 from given below link:

Download Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Pre Exam Admit Card 2018

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Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Admit Card 2018

Examination Scheme for Recruitment to the post of Security Assistant (Grade-II)

The Examination Scheme for recruitment to the post of Security Assistant (Grade-II) in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat consists of four stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination
  2. Physical Fitness Test
  3. Main Examination
  4. Interview

Preliminary Examination (Objective Type-Multiple choice answers)

The Preliminary Examination is a screening test for selection of candidates for the main examination and is of objective type. It consists of only one paper of 180 marks (Duration-3 hours) having three parts as indicated below:

  • Part A General Intelligence (60 questions) – 60 Marks
  • Part B General Awareness (60 questions) – 60 Marks
  • Part C English Language (60 questions) – 60 Marks

The marks secured by the candidates in this examination are not counted for the preparation of final merit list.

Rajya Sabha Security Assistant Recruitment

Physical Measurement and Physical Fitness Tests


3.5 feet high jump

1 kilo meter race in 4 minutes

13 feet long jump


400 meter race in 2 minutes

Feet long jump

  • Only those Candidates who qualify the Preliminary Examination and are found fit in the Physical Measurement Test as per the eligibility criteria will be allowed to take part in the Physical Fitness Test.
  • This test is only of qualifying nature and candidates are declared either ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’.
  • In case of high jump and long jump, a candidate is given three chances to clear the event.
  • If a candidate is not able to qualify in any event of the Physical Fitness Test, he is not allowed to take part in the subsequent events/stages of the examination process.

Main Examination (Descriptive Type)

The Main Examination is of descriptive type and consists of the following paper:

Paper I English Language 80, 2 hours

Interview (10 marks)

The interview is structured to evaluate the interests, knowledge, traits, aptitude, skills etc. of the candidates with a view to assess his/her overall personality and to judge his/her suitability for the post.

Minimum Qualifying Marks

The minimum qualifying percentage of marks in Interview is as follows:-

Minimum qualifying percentage of marks: SC/ST-40% OBC-45% General-50%

Merit List

Merit list is prepared based on the overall marks obtained in Main Examination Descriptive type (80 Marks) and Interview (10 marks). Candidates eliminated at any stage of recruitment process are not included in the final merit list.

Syllabus for Recruitment to the post of Security Assistant (Grade-II)

The syllabus of the Preliminary Examination (Objective type) and the Main Examination (Descriptive type) for recruitment to the post of Security Assistant Grade –II in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat is as under:

Preliminary Examination

General Intelligence

Questions shall be both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, coding & decoding, etc..

General Awareness

Questions shall aim at testing the candidate’s awareness of current events and environment around him/her besides testing the knowledge of Everyday Science, Scientific Research, Sports, Indian Culture, Indian History, Indian Geography, Economics, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, etc.

English Language

Questions in this component are designed to test the candidates understanding, correct usage and knowledge of English Language and will be based on error recognition, fill in the blanks (using Verbs, Prepositions etc.), vocabulary, spellings, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, phrases and idioms, etc.

Main Examination

Paper I: English Language

This paper will test the skills and abilities of the candidate in Essay Writing, Precis Writing, Comprehension, Drafting of letters/notices/other forms of communications in English.

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